Natural Environment- Vegetation

TUNDRA: arctic plain with grass and brush (matorrales).
TAIGA: forest in northern regions.
STEPPE: grassy plain without trees.
MIXED FOREST: forest with two or more dominant tree species. (Appalachian plateau)
FOREST: wooded place (with plants and trees).
BUSH: plant. (Arbusto, mata).
SCRUBLAND: land with stunted plants.
MOORLAND: area of moor.
MEADOW: field for grazing.
GRASSLAND: grassy land for pasture.
JUNGLE: area of land overgrown with dense forest and vegetation, typically in the tropics.
SAVANNAH: grassy plain

Spain’s relief

Read this article to find out  more about Spain’s physical geography. What distinguishes it from other European countries?

You can explore a satellite map of Spain at this website:

Europe’s relief

Watch this video about the physical geography of Europe. What geographical feature separates Europe from Asia? Why is Europe favorable for human  habitation?

Do you have any idea what the Carpathian Mountains are like? Watch this video to find out:

World’s relief

Watch this video about the 10 tallest mountains on Earth. How many of them have you heard of before?

Watch this documentary about plains. Are plains empty places? What is the most important life form in the planes of the Earth?


The Continents: the Antarctica

Watch this video about living and working in Antarctica. How many people live and work at the South Pole during the summer? Why is it difficult to sleep normally there? How many people live there during the winter? Comment on the post to answer these questions!

Tectonic plates

Some 300 million years ago, the major part of the emerged lands were grouped to form a supercontinent, Pangea. In the following image, we see the form it took:

200 million years ago, this supercontinent began to fracture and break up, in the first instance, into two other continents: Gondwana and Laurasia. This theory is called Continental Drift.


By now, we know that latitude zero is represented by an imaginary line called the equator, and we know as well that longitude zero is represented by the Greenwich meridian. Thus, and knowing also that there are 360 meridians (180 east and 180 west) and 180 parallels (90 north and 90 south), we can find geographical coordinates that can help us locate a place on a map.

Have a look at this video explaining latitude and longitude and get ready to know how to deal with the Earth’s imaginary grid!

Reinforcement and extension activities

Dear students,

here you are the solution to the reinforcement and extension activities I gave you today with the aim of helping you in your preparation of next exam.


1. (The order of the missing words is:) space, blue, sphere, poles, hemispheres, equator, northern, southern.

2. – Northern hemisphere: 39% land; 61% water.

– Southern hemisphere: 19% land; 81% water.

3. (I’m sure you knew how to label the diagram)

4. The Solar System is made up of the Sun, eight planets, three dwarf planets and a series of celestial bodies: comets, asteroids and satellites.

5. Spring begins in the southern hemisphere: 3

Spring begins in the northern hemisphere: 4

The southern hemisphere has more hours…: 2

The northern hemisphere has more hours…: 1

6. – Unlike planets, dwarf planets share their orbits with other celestial bodies.

– Inner planets are those closer to the Sun. They are rocky and have few satellites. Outer planets are further from the Sun. They are gaseous and orbited by many satellites.

7. From closest to the Sun to furthest away: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.




1. Lima: 6 a.m.; Moscow: 2 p.m.;  Nairobi: 2 p.m.; Beijing: 7 p.m.; Athens: 1 p.m.; Sydney: 11 p.m.; New Delhi: 6.30 p.m.; New York: 6 a.m.; Montevideo: 8 a.m.

2. (The answers to this activity depend on the planet you’ve chosen).


Good luck in the exam!!

Time Zones

Analysing the time zones requires reasoning and also some mathematical ability, but this video will help you understand some basic concepts related to the rotation of the Earth and how it affects the time zones. Enjoy the learning experience!

Our Solar System

Dear students, here we are! We are about to learn many interesting things about one of the most exciting and intriguing things we have: the universe! And therefore, our first stop is our own Solar System, so that you can locate the Earth in space and learn about it, understand its main characteristics, recognise and compare the planets, become familiar with the rotation and revolution of the Earth and their consequences and, of course, to correctly use the appropriate vocabulary and solve problems using pictures and maps. Ready for the journey? It starts right here…

And also, here are some fascinating facts you’ll love to know about the Milky Way!!